Topic : Dwitiya Charan and Rajath pankh testing camp for Cubs and Bulbuls
Date: 29/7/23
Venue : Cambridge public school Yelahanka new town 220
Bharat scouts and guides Yelahanka local association has conducted the Dwitiya Charan and Rajath pankh testing camp for Cubs and Bulbuls on 29/7/23, at Cambridge public school Yelahanka new town 220, cubs and bul buls are participated in the camp smt Sunita LCM,& smt,Sheela HWB, F,L LOC, of the camp,&smt Vanita narayan District commissioner of Guide chief guest of the camp Mr Mohan Kumar A V Secratary of Yelahanka local association has conducted the camp with the help of Flock leaders & cub masters, special Thanks go to Cambridge public school management Mrs Nigar Sultana mam principal and teaching an non teaching staff all the school principal and head master parents. Mr Amit Gudi Cubs Master and Mrs Banalata Bedant Flock Leader accompained our school childern.